Meter Reading Form

FortisAlberta delivers meter services to you by providing a meter that registers the amount of electricity used at your site. The electricity usage information is then typically communicated over the power lines once per day to our meter record systems. Site consumption information is typically sent twice a month to your Retailer.

You are still welcome to provide us with a read through this online form or by calling 310-WIRE (9473) or 1-866-717-3113.

FortisAlberta uses different meter styles that scroll through different registers every six seconds. The read you need to provide is the consumption or Kwh reading and will be a 6 or 7 digit number. This read will be displayed six seconds after the segment check. You will enter the reading in the form exactly how it is displayed on the meter.

Meter Information
Account Information

FortisAlberta sends your meter reading to your Retailer, a separate company that provides your bill. Your Retailer will apply the reading when appropriate, based on your billing cycle. Please note that to help maintain the accuracy of readings, FortisAlberta is unable to send data that is incomplete or highly inconsistent with previous readings.